Llanmaes Online

Welcome to the Llanmaes village website

St David's Day Afternoon Welsh Tea

Andy HigginsComment

You are cordially invited to a St. David‘s Day Welsh Afternoon Tea.

At the Village Hall, Llanmaes, at 2pm on Wednesday, March 1st, 2018.This free social event is being organised by Llanmaes Ladies, a friendly group which meets monthly in the Blacksmiths Arms. The only cost will be £1 for tea or coffee, and £1 for cake. You are welcome to bring any other drinks, including alcoholic ones, yourself! Come and meet the neighbours, have a chat and stay to watch a film with us. We hope this will become a regular event. RSVP by February 24th if possible, telling us how many people from your house will be coming, and if you would like any help with transport.

Please respond to: Gail Kirkham – 792543, gailtalks@hotmail.com  or Jackie Wright – 07976 698325 or

Fe'ch gwahoddir yn cordial i De Brynhawn Cymreig Dydd Gŵyl Dewi.  

Yn Neuadd y Pentref, Llanmaes, am 2 o'r gloch dydd Mercher, Mawrth 1af, 2018. Mae'r digwyddiad cymdeithasol am ddim yn cael ei drefnu gan Ferched Llanmaes, grŵp cyfeillgar sy'n cyfarfod bob mis yn y Blacksmiths Arms. Yr unig gost fydd £1 am de neu goffi, a £1 am gacen. Mae croeso i chi ddod ag unrhyw ddiodydd eraill, gan gynnwys rhai alcoholig, eich hun! Dewch i gwrdd â'r cymdogion, sgwrsio a aros i wylio ffilm gyda ni. Gobeithiwn y bydd hyn yn ddigwyddiad rheolaidd.

RSVP erbyn 24ain o Chwefror os yw'n bosibl, gan ddweud wrthym faint o bobl o'ch ty fydd yn dod, ac os hoffech gael unrhyw help gyda thrafnidiaeth.

Ymatebwch i: Gail Kirkham – 792543, gailtalks@hotmail.com  neu Jackie Wright – 07976 698325 

Llanmaes Community Council news

Andy HigginsComment

The Clerk of Llanmaes Community Council [LCC] achieves National qualification.

Carole Alexander, Clerk to LCC, has successfully completed the Certificate in Local Council Administration [CiLCA, 2015]. The award, at Level 3 of the national Qualification Framework [NQF], means that Carole is qualified in all the core knowledge and skills for working within a local council. Carole has wide experience of working in local government and we are very lucky to have such a professional and capable Clerk. Our congratulations and well-done.

Llanmaes Community Council.

Llanmaes Seniors Christmas Lunch

Andy HigginsComment

Tis almost the season to be Merry! With that in mind, we are now taking booking for the 2017 Llanmaes Seniors Christmas Lunch. A very popular and well attended lunch for all the village senior residents. 2017 sees a return to The Blacksmiths Arms, it will be held on Thursday 14th December at 12:30, food served at 1pm. Raffle on the day and entertainment in the form of Barbershop Christmas singing by Cardiff Style.

Please book early to avoid disappointment by contacting Jackie Wright on 07976 698325, Maggie Penn on 01446 792374, email llanmaessocial@gmail.com or see any member of your village social committee.


Childrens Christmas Party

Andy HigginsComment

It's nearly that time again! This year's Christmas party will be held on Friday, 8th December at 5pm at Llanmaes Village Hall. Entertainment to include:

  • Magic show and entertainment
  • Food
  • Face painting
  • A visit by the man himself, Santa!!

Each child's place must be booked in advance giving the following information:

  • Name
  • Age
  • Gender

Please book early by contacting Jackie Wright on 07976 698325, Maggie Penn on 01446792374, email llanmaessocial@gmail.com or see any member of the social committee.

Applefest changed to 24th September!

Andy HigginsComment

PLEASE NOTE: The 2017 Applefest event has changed date, it was originally due to take place on the 1st October, but the apples are already falling off our trees! To try and get the best from the crop we have decided to bring the event forward a week to September 24th, 1pm-3pm. More details to follow very soon.

Defibrillator Training

Andy HigginsComment

Please come along to Llanmaes village hall on  10th July at 8pm for a free training course on how to use a definrillator. Our local first responders will give instruction and demonstrations, plus an opportunity for you to practice on a dummy.

Llanmaes holds a defibrillator at The Blacksmiths Arms and has been used by residents in the past. Would you know what to do if you had to use it? If the answer is no, or not sure, these free events are highly recommended. 

Llanmaes Village BBQ

Andy HigginsComment

Tickets are still available for this weekend Village BBQ on Saturday 3rd June at 7pm. To buy your ticket please contact any member of the Llanmaes Social Committee, call Bob and Maggie on 01466792374, Andy on 07729774752 or get in touch via the llanmaesonline website on the Contact Us page by clicking HERE

Llanmaes is a Treasure, a Top 20 Treasure in fact.......

Andy HigginsComment
“In 2003, Steve McGrory and Anton Jones reported a group of rare bronze cauldrons and axes they’d found in the Vale of Glamorgan. An initial investigation of the spot by the National Museum of Wales revealed an extraordinary prehistoric feasting mound and a remarkable accumulation of cultural material dating back to the beginning of the Iron Age, around 2,650 years ago. Beneath the mound lay a previously unsuspected Bronze Age settlement. When we excavated this we found Bronze Age gold artefacts, later declared Treasure.” (National Museum Wales)

— Edward Besly, numismatist, National Museum of Wales

2017 marks the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the Treasure Act 1996. The Daily Telegraph and British Museum are highlighting a ‘Top 20’ list of Treasures which the public are now invited to vote on and choose their favourite before voting closes on May 15. You can read their article here:


Please visit the above link and vote for Llanmaes! More information to follow, Tim Fowler is meeting The National Museum Cardiff next week for an interview.

More information here on the story of the Llanmaes Feasting Ground!