Llanmaes Online

Welcome to the Llanmaes village website

IMPORTANT: Llanmaes Flood Meeting - everyone is welcome

Andy HigginsComment

A meeting is being held at Llanmaes village hall at 6pm on Thursday 24th November to discuss the repeated flooding in the village. The meeting will be attended by the council, your communitty council and is open to all residents to attend and share your views and concerns. Please show your support in what is becoming an ever increasing problem for many of our village residents. Thank you.

Defibrillator Location

Andy HigginsComment

As The Blacksmiths Arms pub will
be closed for the next few weeks, the defibrillator will be located at the home of Jackie Wright,  21 Tyle House Close. We are looking to re-site it and will advice as soon as this has been arranged.

Llanmaes - Paths for People

Andy HigginsComment


 The Community Council are interested in setting up a “Rights of Way” Group within the village to protect and promote local footpaths.  The statutory duty to protect these paths rests with the highway authority, but local councils can play an important role in ensuring the paths are fit for use.

The aim of the group will be to carry out regular inspections (at least twice a year) of the paths in and around the village.  In consultation with the VOGC, possibly carry out basic maintenance work.  Check stiles and gates.  Ensure rights of way are signposted.  Perhaps organise regular walks for local residents.


For further information please contact Cllr Keith Lewis,

24 Tyle House Close, Llanmaes.  Tel: 01446 796106



Mind Reading Evening

Andy HigginsComment

We still have a few tickets available for this fun evening of comic Mind Reading with Carl John at Llanmaes Village Hall this Friday 28th October at 7.00pm. Tickets £5 each to include snacks, Licensed Bar available. Tel; Jackie on 07976 698325 or visit www.llanmaesonline.com/contactus


South Wales Three Peaks Trial

Andy HigginsComment

Laura McGreevy (of Llanmaes Social Committee Easter Bunny Hunt fame) is taking on the challenge of the South Wales Three Peaks Trial on Saturday, April 2nd. She will be accompanied by her husband Eamonn and friend Roger.

This is a gruelling 20 mile hike, encompassing three mountains and 1,500 metres of ascent, and will take approximately 10 hours.

Laura is hoping to raise £500 for Emmaus South Wales, the charity which supports formerly homeless people in Wales.

You can view the charity profile at the link below, and if you wish, make a donation towards the ongoing work of Emmaus South Wales.


 Show your support and sponsor Laura by clicking on this link

Fore more information on Emmaus South Wales and the great work they do, click on this link 



Important: Llanmaes Easter Egg Hunt 2016

Andy HigginsComment

Unfortunately the Llanmaes social committee are unable to provide an Easter Egg Hunt this year, as due to work and other commitments we do not have any volunteers available to coordinate this event on Easter Monday. It is a great pity that such a popular event has had to be cancelled and we would urge anyone who might be able to give some time to the Llanmaes Village Social Committee to please get in touch. Please get involved so that we are all able to continue to offer and enjoy a programme of village events in the future! If you would like to get involved and help where or when your able to, please email llanmaessocial@gmail.com



Fun evening of Military Whist

Andy HigginsComment

Come and join us for a fun evening of Military Whist at 7.00pm on Friday 26th February 2016 Tickets £5.00 Ploughman's included Bar available Tickets: contact 01446 796224 or 01446 790222. Proceeds in aid of St Cattwg's Restoration Fund


Children's Christmas Party

Andy HigginsComment

BOOK NOW for the 2015 children's Christmas party, Please contact Jackie Wright on 07976 698325 or email llanmaessocial@gmail.com. When booking please make sure you provide your child's NAME, GENDER and AGE, this is important to ensure Santa can bring along a suitable gift! The Llanmaes Social Committee hopes to see you there as the 2014 party was a huge hit!!


Andy HigginsComment

"EYES DOWN" For Bingo Night

Village Hall, Llanmaes

7pm Friday 20th November 2015 Tickets £7.50 each

Supper Included and Bar Available

Contact 01446 796224 or 01446 790222

Proceeds in aid of St Cattwg's Restoration Fund

Burton - "a live act at the Llanmaes Village Hall performed by Rhodri Miles"

Andy HigginsComment

A reminder that tickets are available for the acclaimed stage play Burton at Llanmaes Village Hall, October 23rd at 7pm for 7:30pm start. This is not a Cinema documentary. Rhodri Miles (Richard II-Hollow Crown, Torchwood and Game of Thrones) vividly presents the life of the great Welsh actor from humble beginnings to Hollywood mega-star. Beautiful women, alcohol, wealth, stage and screen are the threads woven into this sad, happy, exuberant, often hilarious one-man show.

The show received critical acclaim at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2009 and also Hollywood Fringe Festival 2010, where the play won 'Best International Show'. 

To buy your tickets please click here to contact the Llanmaes Social Committee, or call Jackie on 07976698325.


Burton - Village Night Out

Andy HigginsComment

Tickets are now available for this Llanmaes social event, contact the social committee  HERE or just ask any member of the committee. There are a limited number of tickets for this event so don't delay! 7pm 23 October Llanmaes Village Hall, tickets £7.50

Enveloped by the Celtic gloom a state of unfathomable melancholy, the mist on the hills, the black in the coal, all of it seeping into my very being
— Richard Burton
7pm Friday 23rd October, Llanmaes Village Hall

7pm Friday 23rd October, Llanmaes Village Hall

Social Committee

Andy HigginsComment

The Llanmaes Social Committee is committed to provide it's residents with fun, entertaining events to all ages of the community year round. These events take considerable time and effort to arrange, this can involve a wide range of tasks from erecting tents, distributing flyers etc... to delivering activities on the day.
We are a small committee with only a handful of members currently, we are always on the hunt for new members to join and assist with the village events. If you have an interest in joining the social committee then please contact us via our web page HERE. If however you do not have the time to join the committee full time, but would be happy to help whenever possible or have an interest in supporting a specific event in our calendar then please do let us know, as we are always grateful for any help in setting up events, obtaining raffle prizes etc....

We hope to hear from you soon


YOUR Social Committee

Llanmaes Apple Fest change of date

Andy HigginsComment

The Llanmaes social committee has taken the decision that the annual Apple Fest will be moved from Saturday September 19th to Saturday October 3rd for 2015. This is due to the late apple crop this year. The event will go ahead and please check back on www.llanmaesonline.com over the next few days for more news.

The Llanmaes social committee is looking forward to seeing you all again this year for a fun and enjoyable afternoon of apple pressing and games for the family!!!

NOTE - Please bring your own apples to be pressed into fresh juice if you have some, but you can still come along and enjoy the afternoon without your own apple supply.
