Llanmaes Online

Welcome to the Llanmaes village website


Wendy AllinComment

Rectorial Benefice of the Glamorgan Heritage Coast

During the COVID emergency St Cattwg’s Church will remain closed and locked.  It is hoped that church services will resume in late November.

Sadly, we are unable to hold the Remembrance Service on Sunday 8 November 2020 as planned.  

The churchyard is open, and people are welcome to visit and place poppies or wreaths on graves, including the two war graves, in the usual way.

Please be aware of social distancing whilst in the churchyard.

Llanmaes Butterfly Garden Progress

Andy HigginsComment

The Butterfly garden situated in the Village Hall grounds, is coming along nicely, with help from Ava, Imogen and their Daddy. Thanks guys it's looking good already! I still have some plants left if anyone would like to plant some, I also have  bird feeders and a small bug hotel if you would like to fit them, ‘it’s very simple’ The bulbs won’t arrive until September and the wild flower seeds can also be planted then, if anyone is interested please let me know.

Thanks for all the help so far.

Keith Lewis - 07716771855.

24 Tyle House Close





Andy HigginsComment

Cinemaes are going to show a film outside of the village hall this Saturday evening at 21.00
It would be lovely to see you there.
This is an informal showing of the ‘feel good’ film Mama Mia, any donations will be made To our usual charities.
Please wear something warm and bring your own drinks, glasses and refreshments as none will be provided

We had a trial run this evening and it looked really good
It would help if you could
Indicate if you are Interested in Attending by contacting Jackie Wright
on 07976698325

Cheers Jackie

Urgent: Family Volunteers wanted

Andy HigginsComment

Urgent’  Family Volunteers wanted, “preferrably with children” to build and manage a Butterfly Garden in Llanmaes.

     Llanmaes have been offered a Butterfly Garden pack by Keep Wales Tidy (KWT) containing all the materials, tools, plants, feeders etc.etc. plus advice from a KWT officer on building and maintaining it and ensuring that Covic 19 precautions are followed.

If you are interested please contact, Cllr Keith Lewis, 24 Tyle House Close, Llanmaes, on 07716771855.

The Week Everything Changed, March 29th 2020 .

Andy HigginsComment


All of our lives have changed in the last few weeks because of Corona Virus, Covid 19. Many of us are worried about contracting the virus, and want to do everything we can to avoid it. We hope this newsletter will help you to know that there is practical and emotional help in the village for everyone who needs it. Llanmaes has many ‘more mature’ residents. The Prime Minister's pleas to stay indoors for our own good, and that of the wider community, have been hard to hear. We are used to getting out and about, doing our own chores and running our own errands. Now we have to rely on others, or get used to on line shopping …. And the fact that there just aren’t as many choices or goods as we are used to. For the latest updates on the Coronavirus please go to: www.phw.nhs.wales.


Llanmaes Ladies was set up as a social group three years ago. Anyone can join. It operates mostly as a What’s App group on social media, but members meet up regularly too. We are here to run errands for you and be a voice on the end of the phone if you need a chat in these challenging times. Please get in touch with Jackie Wright on 07976678325 or Gail Kirkham on 07885254436, gailtalks@hotmail.com if you need any help and we will be glad to try and sort something out for you.

The Blacksmiths Closes

Our lovely village pub has been forced to close, from Friday 19th March, because of the virus. James, the landlord, told us ‘I have been told we cannot provide any service from that point. Please inform the village that I’ll be sorry to close and miss everyone over the coming weeks, maybe months.’ Regulars are also devastated. Jackie said ‘We really thought we could keep the pub going through the crisis. James had even drawn up a take-away menu.’ But in the end, a corporate decision has been made which will have a big impact on village life. I am sure we all look forward to its return.

The Bus Stop

A temporary library and place to share information If you go for a walk you might see there are now a collection of books in the bus shelter on the village green. These are free to borrow or take. Mel, of Sigingstone Lane, said ‘We noticed the library in Llantwit was closing and saw someone in the town had put books out on their wall for people. What a good idea!’ We hope you find this a useful source of material to while away the time! If you wish to add to the collection, please give your books a wipe down with anti bac (if you can get it!) before you add them to the pile. We will also leave copied of the newsletter in there should you find it easier to read a paper version. We won’t be delivering as we endeavour to reduce social interaction and cross contamination. If anybody wishes to contribute to this update please do get in touch. The Funny Side One of the heartening things about all this is the sheer number of jokes and funny stories that have been circulating on FaceBook and other social media. Of course, it is our way of coping with something that’s scary.

Event Cancellations

Andy HigginsComment

Due to the current situation with Covid19 the Social Committee have decided to cancel the forthcoming AGM which was scheduled for Thursday 19th March and the Easter Egg Hunt scheduled for Monday 13th April

We will keep you informed of all other events.


Andy HigginsComment



The beloved characters take to the big screen prepare for a major event, it's not every day that royalty visit! Tension is high, the property isn't even close to ready and Carson the butler comes out of retirement to help run this sinking ship before it's too late.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqNYrYUiMfg

7pm for 7.30pm, Thursday 2nd April 2020

Village Hall, Llanmaes

*Entry by Ticket only*: to include a drink on arrival:

Adults  - £7.50   Children under 15 - £5.00

Tickets: Wendy Hewitt-Sayer on 07703 541745, or wendy_hs@hotmail.com

Jackie Wright on 07976 698325, or jackievewright@gmail.com

Raffle, licensed bar and snacks.

Funds raised for St Cattwg’s Restoration Fund and local charities.


Andy HigginsComment

Christmas and New Year are ‘Behind You’! But the festivities continue with our next moviie:

Swimming with Men

Inspired by the true-life story of a group of men who feeling lost and lonely as they reached middle age formed a men’s synchronized swimming team!


Trailer:-  https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/506025-swimming-with-men/videos?language=en-US#play=f495YKIfuaw


7pm for 7.30pm, Thursday 9th January 2020

Village Hall, Llanmaes


*Entry by Ticket only*: to include a drink on arrival:

Adults  - £7.50    Children 12 - 15 - £5.00


Tickets: Jackie Wright on 07976 698325, or jackievewright@gmail.com

Wendy Hewitt-Sayer on 07703 541745, or wendy_hs@hotmail.com


Raffle, licensed bar and snacks.

Funds raised for St Cattwg’s Restoration Fund and local charities.


coming up……..

on Thursday 6th February 2020


Green Book (2018) the real life account of a Jamaican born jazz pianist’s musical tour through the Deep South during the Jim Crow era, with a rough and tough New York City bouncer as his chauffeur and bodyguard.  The duo's personalities clash at first, but a bond develops as they navigate through the harsh racism of the 1960s American South.


Trailer :- https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/490132-green-book/videos?language=en-US#play=QkZxoko_HC0


Llanmaes Ladies Christmas Carols

Andy HigginsComment

“A group of Llanmaes Ladies will be coming through the village singing Christmas Carols on Friday from around 6.00pm

If you would like to donate then The Proceeds will be dvided between ‘Headway’, a charity which promotes the understanding of all aspects of brain injury and provides support and services to survivors, their family and caters and The Woodland Trust. A charity that strives to protect, plant and restore our native trees

We look forward to singing to you and hope you will join in with us”



Scam alert issued by the Vale of Glamorgan Council

Andy HigginsComment

We have received a number of complaints in relation to a scam that has been reported in Barry and Penarth.

 Please be aware of a current doorstep scam working the area. These are calling themselves “Keep Britain Working” or “Nottingham Knocker’s” which are a very similar outfit (if not the same).

 They are doorstep callers who target areas offering small household products for sale. These callers may claim to be ex-convicts attempting to mend their ways or ex-servicemen, however they are not part of any recognised rehabilitation scheme.

 Please warn your communities, particularly elderly or vulnerable neighbours, not to open the door to strangers or buy or sell on the doorstep. Some doorstep callers may offer poor quality goods at inflated prices and if a caller is not genuine, they may be gathering information for future crime.

 Please keep in mind that if cold callers don’t get any sales in your area, they are less likely to return.

 How they work

The sellers may say that they are on a “rehabilitation course” arranged by Probation Services or other organisations trying to find people work. This is not the case and often they are known criminals. Probation Services do not run such schemes.

 They may show a card which claims to be a “Pedlars Licence” or work permit. This is not valid and they are breaking the law if they are using anything like this.

 They may also hand over a card saying they are deaf or dumb.

According to the Police, the bag of household products is supplied by someone who employs them. The males / females are supplied with a full bag of household products (including the typical tea-towels!) and charged a minimal sum for the contents – it used to be £35. They can keep whatever they make, above this amount.

 Usually they are deposited in an area from a transit van and given a list of streets to work. An hour or so later they are picked up and dropped off in another location. They often work from 9am to 9pm.

 They will knock on a door, offering cleaning items which they know are cheap and of very poor quality; the householder also knows they are rubbish but that is part of the scam. Many people will purchase items and pay them out of their good nature as they have fallen for their storey or, just to get rid of them. There have been cases of elderly residents handing over large sums as these people can be very persistent and confrontational.

 The price for whatever has been purchased usually comes to a note – usually £10. The householder disappears to get this – this is when the scam begins, according to the police. When the note is handed over, the lad examines the condition and how long it took the person to get it. If it is crumpled, they accept it and move on. If it is crisp flat and new – they are much more interested and may engage the person in more conversation, to obtain details about them. As they leave they will smell the note. If it is slightly musty – this is an indication that there is more in the property.

Those addresses are noted. The addresses of elderly / vulnerable / gullible people are all noted.

These are handed to the employer and there is a small amount of cash handed over for each one.

These addresses are then sold in prisons and pubs. If there is a later break-in, the employer expects a further cut of the proceeds.

Police advise that in almost every case of a stop check – the lads have long strings of convictions for burglary and violence. They use the skills learnt during their criminal activity to identify possible targets.


Andy HigginsComment


The life story of the ever-colourful Elton John

Trailer https://youtu.be/mpOGT3GTO84


7pm for 7.30, Thursday 7th November

Village Hall, Llanmaes


Entry by Ticket only!

(we sold out last time)

Tickets £7.50 including drink on arrival

Licensed bar, snacks and raffle


Contact: Wendy Hewitt-Sayer on 07703 541745, or wendy_hs@hotmail.com

Jackie Wright on 07976 698325, or jackievewright@gmail.com


Profits will be shared between the

Church Restoration Fund and Llantwit Major Dementia Cafe

Coming up

Thursday 5th December – The Greatest Showman

This extremely popular, modern time classic is based on the story of P T Barnum and the creation of his circus – not to be missed!

Thursday 9th January – Swimming with Men

Inspired by a true-life story of a group of men who—feeling lost and lonely as they reached middle age—formed a men's synchronized swimming team