Friday 11th 7.00pm st Llanmaes Village Hall
Contact Jackie 07976 698325 or 01446 7966
Lamppost Poppy
CommentRemembrance Day is fast approaching if you would like to support a lamppost poppy please send the words you would like and just £10 pound to Jackie Wright 01446 796605/07976698325.
CommentLLanmaes Community Council FIRST AID TRAINING DAY
Saturday 19th Oct 2019 9:15 - 4:30 pm
Llanmaes Village Hall
If you wish to attend this FREE course please contact Tim Fowler on 01446 790401 by Thursday 10th Oct.
Lamppost Poppy
CommentRemembrance Day is fast approaching if you would like to support a lamppost poppy please send the words you would like and just £10 pound to Bob Penn 07816136640.
Llanmaes Film Night
CommentWe are very pleased to announce the launch of a new and exciting social event for the village - the Llanmaes Film Night! We plan to run an event every month with the first three pencilled in for:
Thursday October 3rd - Fisherman's Friends. Based on a true story, this is a comedy drama about a group of Cornish fisherman, signed up by Universal Records to record an album of sea shanties! A great movie for all the family.
Film Trailer here: https://youtu.be/3MJqOowzbNk
Thursday November 7th - Rocket Man.
This is a biographical film based on the life of the ever colourful Elton John. Suitable for over 15s only.
Film Trailer here: https://youtu.be/S3vO8E2e6G0
Thursday December 5th - the Greatest Showman.
This extremely popular, modern time classic is based on the story of P T Barnum and the creation of his circus. Plenty of songs to singalong to and fun for all the family.
Film Trailer here: https://youtu.be/AXCTMGYUg9A
Tickets will be on sale soon but in the mean time please clear your diaries in readiness for these great events! Tickets will be £7.50 each or £5 for under 16s to include a drink on arrival (wine or soft drink). Further drinks and snacks will be available to buy on the night and we will hold a raffle. All proceeds will be going to a worthwhile cause - 50% to the church restoration fund and 50% to a local charity yet to be confirmed.
We very much hope you will support this new initiative such that we can roll it over into 2020. More details to follow but for now, please Save the Dates!
Social Event Announcement!
CommentThe Llanmaes Social Committee are pleased to announce our event scheduled for October 11th, at 7pm at Llanmaes Village Hall.
Nights Out - Arts Council for Wales presents Shylock. Rhodri Miles (Game of Thrones, Atlantis) returns to the stage after sell out tours of Burton and Dylan Thomas, Clown in the Moon. Not to be missed so please contact the Llanmaes Social Committee as soon as possible to purchase your tickets, limited number of tickets available so don’t put it off until October!!
Village BBQ
CommentCome and join us this Saturday 22nd June in the Village Hall for Village BBQ
We have just a few tickets left
Contact: Annie 07813 290032
Or Jackie 07976 698325 or 01446 796605
We hope to see you there!
Village BBQ and Quiz
CommentWhy not come and join us again this year for our annual village BBQ, on Saturday 22nd June at 7pm at Llanmaes Village Hall.
Adults £7.50, Children £2.50 (Only 60 tickets available!)
Ticket includes, Burger and a Sausage in a bun, salad and delicious desserts
Bring your own drinks
Please order vegetarian in advance. For tickets please contact
Annie on 07813 290032 or Jackie on 07976 698325 / 01446 796605
Alternatively get in touch via the village website at the following link
Llanmaes Gardens - Sunday 19th May
CommentAnnual Plant Sale
CommentLlanmaes Social Committee host their Annual Plant sale in the Village Hall on Sunday 12th May from 11.00 to 3.00pm
There will be a variety of bedding plants, shrubs, Annuals, perennials, hanging baskets and vegetables all at competitive prices!
Delicious cream teas, coffees and soft drinks and raffle prizes
Plant donations, gratefully received
Please bring along on the day or contact Jackie Wright 01446 796605 or 07976 698325
CommentLlanmaes V Old St. Mellons, Sunday 5th May at Old St. Mellons. Kicking off at 2pm.
We are delighted to tell you that we’re having an inter - village fun Boules afternoon (NO previous experience required but GRATEFULLY APPRECIATED if you have actually tossed a boule before!) If you don’t want to play, you’re still invited to come along as a supporter!
Old St Mellons have kindly offered to host us and will be providing light refreshments! Our Cardiff Lady Mayor, Dianne Rees, is very kindly supplying a trophy! It’ll be the equivalent of the cricket ‘Ashes’ ! Ahem!
If you’re interested in coming along and would like further information, please contact Llanmaes Social Committee member, Hilary Hutchinson.
hillyhutch@googlemail.com or mobile no: 07841423499.
Easter Egg Hunt
CommentLlanmaes Social Committee are delighted to invite you to the Annual Easter Egg Hunt hopping off at 10.45 in the Blacksmiths Arms on Easter Monday 22nd April.
Bring along your children and grandchildren to search for hidden eggs. Followed by raffle and drinks
Please RSVP Jackie by 15th April latest with names and ages at :
Tel: 01446 796605
or 07976 698325
Bingo Evening
CommentCome and join us for a Bingo Evening of fun at Llanmaes Village Hall on Friday 12th April at 7.00pm
Tickets £7.50 to include supper. Bar available.
In aid of St Cattwg’s Church Restoration Fund
Tickets from :
Wendy 07703 541745 or Jackie 07976 698325
Social Committee A.G.M.
CommentPlease come along and join us at the Village Hall on Wednesday 27th March at 7.00pm for the Llanmaes Social Committee AGM. All are welcome, come along for a chat and some cheese & wine!
The Social Committee are always looking for new members. Hope to see you there!
The Social Committee
St Davids Day Soup Lunch
CommentCome and join us on St. Davids Day for St. Cattwg's Soup & Quiz at Llanmaes Village Hall
on Friday 1st March at 12.30
Delicious Cawl, Soup and Welsh Cakes
Tickets available from Jeff Robinson 01446 793932
Christmas Hamper
CommentPlease help two important causes by purchasing a raffle ticket to win this Christmas hamper. You can purchase tickets from Blacksmiths Arms where you can view the hamper!
Christmas Carols
CommentOn Friday 14th December many of the ladies from Llanmaes are getting together to walk around the village singing Xmas carols.
We will meet at the bus stop on the green at 18.30 and make several stops around the village. We are raising funds for two charities: Dementia cafe at the Bethel Baptist Church and To Wish Upon A Star.
Please feel free to join us on the evening and all donations will be gratefully received. We will finish up at The Blacksmiths
The Recreation Field, Llanmaes – Centenary Field
CommentOn Saturday the 10th November 2018 people gathered on the recreation field in Llanmaes to formally dedicate the site as a Centenary Field. This event was the culmination of a partnership between Fields in Trust, an organisation that protects green spaces for people to enjoy in perpetuity, and The Royal British Legion. Fields protected between 2014 and 2018 have the special status of Centenary Fields in recognition of the Centenary of World War 1 (1914 – 1918). The status of Llanmaes Centenary Field means that it cannot be developed and will remain a green space for the enjoyment of future generations.
Llanmaes Memorial Garden
CommentLlanmaes Community Council have created a Memorial Garden in a quiet corner of the recreation field and it is hoped the garden will be used by those who wish to sit and reflect in a peaceful and beautiful setting.
The garden has been designed to draw on the natural aspect of the site. An existing cherry tree forms the focal point with semi-circular benches and planting of bulbs and wild flowers. In the photograph below, Roy Kennion, Royal Navy veteran and Lexie Thomas, representing the youth of the village, laid a wreath from the Community in Remembrance. The Community Council would like to thank the Vale of Glamorgan Council and Alun Griffiths Limited for their support with this project