Christmas Cards now available only £1 each - all proceeds to Church Restoration Fund
Contact Jackie on 07976 698325
Welcome to the Llanmaes village website
Christmas Cards now available only £1 each - all proceeds to Church Restoration Fund
Contact Jackie on 07976 698325
A Service Of Remembrance will take place in St. Cattwg’s Church on Sunday 12th November 2023 starting promptly as 10.45
There will be a service outside the Church at the graves of the fallen servicemen followed by a Service inside the Church
All are welcome
There will be a food bank collection point inside the porch St Cattwg’s Church, Llanmaes
from Thursday 19th October. It will be collected after the Church Harvest Festival on Sunday 22nd
Main requirements listed below
This years Royal British Legion Appeal starts on 26th October
As in previous years Poppies will be put up on lampposts around the village
If you are interested in sponsoring a poppy @ £10 each please forward details of sponsors name and details of wording you would like to use on your poppy (for those who have sponsored a Poppy in previous years your details have been kept on file)
All proceeds go to the Poppy Appeal. Last year we raised £475
Please send details to Jackie Wright Tel No: 07976698325 or email
There will be a Halloween Trick or Treat trail for the children on Saturday 28th October
Meeting at the Blacksmiths Pub at 5.00pm where the children will be given a map showing locations in the village where they may find some treats, followed by a craft session at the pub. To book your child onto the trail Contact Gail: 07885 254436 If you want to eat at the pub please book your table with the Blacksmiths on 01446 678047
Samantha B Ewenny is hosting her Winter Collection Fashion Show
On Thursday 2nd November 2023 in Llantonian Hall at 7.00pm
Tickets at £10 per head to include a drink
There will be a raffle, a licensed bar and live music during the interval
A Percentage of all sales will go to support the Llantwit Major Town Twinning Association
Tickets available from Phil and Shelley Tandy 07831 616990 and 07422 653435
Come along to Llantonian Hall on Thursday 2nd November 2023 and see the ‘Winter collection’ from Samantha B Ewenny
Tickets at £10 per head to include a drink
There will be a raffle, licensed bar and live music in the interval
A percentage of all sales will go to support the Llantwit Major Town Twinning Association
Tickets available from Phil and Shelley Tandy 07831 616990 and 07422 653435
A vacancy exists for a Clerk to Llanmaes Community Council
Full details are are available on Llanmaesonline Community Council Page
See details below - go on line to register your Pooch