Llanmaes Online

Welcome to the Llanmaes village website

Applefest changed to 24th September!

Andy HigginsComment

PLEASE NOTE: The 2017 Applefest event has changed date, it was originally due to take place on the 1st October, but the apples are already falling off our trees! To try and get the best from the crop we have decided to bring the event forward a week to September 24th, 1pm-3pm. More details to follow very soon.

Defibrillator Training

Andy HigginsComment

Please come along to Llanmaes village hall on  10th July at 8pm for a free training course on how to use a definrillator. Our local first responders will give instruction and demonstrations, plus an opportunity for you to practice on a dummy.

Llanmaes holds a defibrillator at The Blacksmiths Arms and has been used by residents in the past. Would you know what to do if you had to use it? If the answer is no, or not sure, these free events are highly recommended. 

Llanmaes Village BBQ

Andy HigginsComment

Tickets are still available for this weekend Village BBQ on Saturday 3rd June at 7pm. To buy your ticket please contact any member of the Llanmaes Social Committee, call Bob and Maggie on 01466792374, Andy on 07729774752 or get in touch via the llanmaesonline website on the Contact Us page by clicking HERE

Llanmaes is a Treasure, a Top 20 Treasure in fact.......

Andy HigginsComment
“In 2003, Steve McGrory and Anton Jones reported a group of rare bronze cauldrons and axes they’d found in the Vale of Glamorgan. An initial investigation of the spot by the National Museum of Wales revealed an extraordinary prehistoric feasting mound and a remarkable accumulation of cultural material dating back to the beginning of the Iron Age, around 2,650 years ago. Beneath the mound lay a previously unsuspected Bronze Age settlement. When we excavated this we found Bronze Age gold artefacts, later declared Treasure.” (National Museum Wales)

— Edward Besly, numismatist, National Museum of Wales

2017 marks the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the Treasure Act 1996. The Daily Telegraph and British Museum are highlighting a ‘Top 20’ list of Treasures which the public are now invited to vote on and choose their favourite before voting closes on May 15. You can read their article here:


Please visit the above link and vote for Llanmaes! More information to follow, Tim Fowler is meeting The National Museum Cardiff next week for an interview.

More information here on the story of the Llanmaes Feasting Ground!


IMPORTANT: Llanmaes Flood Meeting - everyone is welcome

Andy HigginsComment

A meeting is being held at Llanmaes village hall at 6pm on Thursday 24th November to discuss the repeated flooding in the village. The meeting will be attended by the council, your communitty council and is open to all residents to attend and share your views and concerns. Please show your support in what is becoming an ever increasing problem for many of our village residents. Thank you.

Defibrillator Location

Andy HigginsComment

As The Blacksmiths Arms pub will
be closed for the next few weeks, the defibrillator will be located at the home of Jackie Wright,  21 Tyle House Close. We are looking to re-site it and will advice as soon as this has been arranged.

Llanmaes - Paths for People

Andy HigginsComment


 The Community Council are interested in setting up a “Rights of Way” Group within the village to protect and promote local footpaths.  The statutory duty to protect these paths rests with the highway authority, but local councils can play an important role in ensuring the paths are fit for use.

The aim of the group will be to carry out regular inspections (at least twice a year) of the paths in and around the village.  In consultation with the VOGC, possibly carry out basic maintenance work.  Check stiles and gates.  Ensure rights of way are signposted.  Perhaps organise regular walks for local residents.


For further information please contact Cllr Keith Lewis,

24 Tyle House Close, Llanmaes.  Tel: 01446 796106



Mind Reading Evening

Andy HigginsComment

We still have a few tickets available for this fun evening of comic Mind Reading with Carl John at Llanmaes Village Hall this Friday 28th October at 7.00pm. Tickets £5 each to include snacks, Licensed Bar available. Tel; Jackie on 07976 698325 or visit www.llanmaesonline.com/contactus
